Talent Strategy
Recruitment post
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 Job description

1. According to the company's strategic development goals, responsible for the technical R & D team for effective management, supervision and assessment, and coordination with other departments;
2. Research and develop the company's technology development roadmap, planning the company's product technology framework, responsible for the company's products or development standards, the development of technical research and developme.t processes and management practices;
3. Responsible for leading the technical team to achieve product architecture design, product development, background support, data analysis, platform building and performance optimization tasks;
4. Responsible for guiding, handling, coordination and resolution of the company's software research and development of technical problems;
5. To ensure the normal development of the company's research and development, to ensure that the company's software development plan on time;
6. Responsible for the evaluation of technical proposal;
7. Responsible for the development of technology related to the management system, technical specifications and business processes;
8. Responsible for R & D center team building and personnel training, and constantly improve the quality of the team's work, efficiency and technical capabilities;
9. Responsible for organizing and guiding the operation and maintenance personnel to ensure the normal operation of the system, the comprehensive utilization of information and system security;
10. Other tasks assigned by the leadership.

Job requirement
1. Bachelor degree or above, major in computer science, communication, information technology, or 985/211;
2. More than 8 years of experience in the software / Internet industry, more than 4 years working experience in the same position;
3. Proficient in system architecture design, system analysis, software implementation, performance optimization, system security, etc.;
4. Strong management skills, technology is more comprehensive,.Net, Android, IOS, Java, PHP, /C++, databases, search engines, etc.;
5. Excellent innovation and development ability, learning ability, communication and coordination ability, strong sense of responsibility, work dedication;
6. Team management experience, have good communication and coordination skills, good at team building and training;
7. With a strict work style and high efficiency.

Annual salary of 1 million and above